The Garden of My Mind
Welcome to the garden of my mind I hope that this blog helps you get to know me better but most of all I hope that it enhances your appreciation of life, God, and people. I believe that good things can come out of pondering- beauty can be brought out of the good and the bad, understanding of the mysterious, and joy of the mundane- which is the very message of the Gospel- Pondering in fact, is one of my favorite things to do.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
For those of you wondering: WHAT NOW?
For the teens seniors about to graduate high school next spring, for the college students trying to navigate their majors, for the 20 somethings asking the question - when and how do I start??, for the Mom's who aren't sure of their daily impact, for the empty nesters asking a similar question of the 20 somethings - WHAT NOW?
Its common. Purpose - is a life driver. So it's okay to ask, depending on what season of life you are in, every year, every 10 years, or more. For those of you wondering, I'm in the journey with you.
Here's just a little encouragement for you. I just attended a women's retreat with my church and was so inspired by the speakers (2 ladies living out their calling!), and the fellowship of WOMEN! There was good conversation, a few tears, and lots of laughter - the perfect recipe for inspiration.
So, I've come back with a little perspective.
A Quick summary of my post high years
All of the above were goals of mine - Although I only planned to be at Teen Mania for one year and then go to India directly after that and a slew of other things happened that I could have never EVER planned myself in the past 6 years - I feel absolutely honored and privileged and amazed at GOD and how BIG his plans are for my life.
Still, I find myself here - wondering. Wondering again - Am I where I'm supposed to be? Scared - Will I let my life go to waste? Isn't that funny? If you look at the list above you would think "She has the least reason to be worried," but I guarantee that you don't either. That is just our little human heart - You can relate can't you?
Take a Moment - Think over the ways that God has orchestrated your life in the past 5-10 years or longer and see how many blessings you have to count. I encourage you to write them down and share them with a friend. If you feel like you don't have many (and before you answer - Children are a blessing, family is a blessing, peace and joy are a blessing, knowing Christ is a blessing, and trials are also a blessing )- Ask yourself if you have been open to God's leading.
Have you:
Any life fulfilling these three things is purposeful - I guarantee it - because it is in accordance with God's heart.
This is a great time of year to write down your goals for the next year. Pray first, write them down and share them with a friend. If you're serious about starting your dream I encourage you to meet with a friend or small group periodically to update and encourage each other on the progress of these goals. Create a plan now.
I am challenged in this waiting season (and whatever season you are in) to live to the fullest - FULL of joy - Overflowing with love - Full of JESUS!
If you feel like you need a word on your current purpose in life - ask a friend! Or please feel free to write me ( or on Facebook) - I would love to pray for you and see what God says.
For the teens seniors about to graduate high school next spring, for the college students trying to navigate their majors, for the 20 somethings asking the question - when and how do I start??, for the Mom's who aren't sure of their daily impact, for the empty nesters asking a similar question of the 20 somethings - WHAT NOW?
Its common. Purpose - is a life driver. So it's okay to ask, depending on what season of life you are in, every year, every 10 years, or more. For those of you wondering, I'm in the journey with you.
Here's just a little encouragement for you. I just attended a women's retreat with my church and was so inspired by the speakers (2 ladies living out their calling!), and the fellowship of WOMEN! There was good conversation, a few tears, and lots of laughter - the perfect recipe for inspiration.
So, I've come back with a little perspective.
A Quick summary of my post high years
- 4 Years of Ministry & Training
After Graduating I went the Teen Mania Ministries to do a leadership Internship and then became a staff member, directing and counseling young women.
- 1 Year in India
After leaving Teen Mania I got prepared to spend an entire year in the beloved country of India. I observed, I learned, I fell in love! (Spent time with and Anti-Trafficking Org & the Poorest of the Poor at Mother Teresa's Institution).
- 1 Year & Going at Home
After being away for 5 years from my family and a community of people very near and dear to my heart, my main goal was to spend time here. I also have been learning everything I can about homemaking, and have had the wonderful opportunity to develop my business skills while working at my Aunt's Fabric Store.
All of the above were goals of mine - Although I only planned to be at Teen Mania for one year and then go to India directly after that and a slew of other things happened that I could have never EVER planned myself in the past 6 years - I feel absolutely honored and privileged and amazed at GOD and how BIG his plans are for my life.
Still, I find myself here - wondering. Wondering again - Am I where I'm supposed to be? Scared - Will I let my life go to waste? Isn't that funny? If you look at the list above you would think "She has the least reason to be worried," but I guarantee that you don't either. That is just our little human heart - You can relate can't you?
Take a Moment - Think over the ways that God has orchestrated your life in the past 5-10 years or longer and see how many blessings you have to count. I encourage you to write them down and share them with a friend. If you feel like you don't have many (and before you answer - Children are a blessing, family is a blessing, peace and joy are a blessing, knowing Christ is a blessing, and trials are also a blessing )- Ask yourself if you have been open to God's leading.
Have you:
- Asked
- Listened (Don't over-complicate this, God won't make it hard to hear, the hard part is the next step).
- Obeyed
- WAITED - this can be inserted before or after anyone of these steps ;))
80% of people miss the first step - ASKING
Jesus has a plan for your life - I promise! God also has a mind BIGGER than you can imagine. So try, try to out-dream him - You won't.
I asked both ladies this weekend about their dreams and it was very obvious that God used a gift that he had given them and is using it for HIS glory. For both of them, that dream was started in their (30's or later), and they agreed it was in God's perfect timing. I guarantee that the time spent before that was not a waste though - they were in training.
I walked away trusting that I am in this step: WAIT. Just wait, and remember - This season is chalked full of purposeful things. Trust that.
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Psalms 37:7 |
Things that everyone of us can do during the waiting season are:
- LOVE - Take the opportunity and don't miss it to love the people around you, and love them well, really well.
- SERVE - Serve, serve, serve. Yes - It is in fact, one of the most fulfilling things you can ever dedicate your time to. (Remember - 'Wait'resses serve)
- KNOW GOD - This is our ultimate purpose in life - higher than any other. Know Jesus - as a friend, a Father, and Lord - know Him deeper, and better, and more - continuously.
Any life fulfilling these three things is purposeful - I guarantee it - because it is in accordance with God's heart.
This is a great time of year to write down your goals for the next year. Pray first, write them down and share them with a friend. If you're serious about starting your dream I encourage you to meet with a friend or small group periodically to update and encourage each other on the progress of these goals. Create a plan now.
I am challenged in this waiting season (and whatever season you are in) to live to the fullest - FULL of joy - Overflowing with love - Full of JESUS!
If you feel like you need a word on your current purpose in life - ask a friend! Or please feel free to write me ( or on Facebook) - I would love to pray for you and see what God says.
Thank-you to all the ladies who refreshed my heart this weekend!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Wanna know
something that I've been doing this past fall?
Writing letters to a dear friend of mine - as a pen pal. I write her once or twice a week and she
writes back to me!
That's amazing,
huh? Well, I guess not everyone is the
pen pal type of person, but I always was.
I remember having pen pals from different countries in elementary
school, and to this day since being away from home in Texas and India I have
stayed in touch with close friends through letters. I write letters at least once a month. My grandpa Troyer does the same thing, he is
an avid letter writer, an Amish man with friends all over the states, and does
such a good job keeping up with them!
(In fact he says he won over my Grandmother who was in another state by
his letter writing! ;).
Some people don't
like to write and the postal service definitely doesn't compete with our fast
paced lives these days, however there is something special about it.
A lot of times I
write to others just to let them know that I'm thinking about them, in a way
that the meaningful touch is kept in tact where in email and Facebook
and even text it has the opportunity to be lost. I write
Melissa to pour out my heart. I decided
that I needed a pen pal this fall while I was in Kolkata, India because it
would be hard spiritually and I wouldn't have any acquaintances there. Melissa is a dear friend and she speaks the
same language spiritually, I asked her if she would commit to writing to me -
I needed her! I wrote her the day that
I arrived in Kolkata and told her about all the smells and faces that colored
the city, I wrote to her every time that I needed a friend to talk to, every
time I needed to share my heart, every time my heart was overloaded.
There wasn't an
immediate response (in fact it took 2 wks for my first letter to get to her
and 2 wks for me to get her response).
However my heart was not waiting in limbo at the response. I knew that Meliss would understand and was
in constant prayer for me. Just writing
it down and sending it to her did so much for me.
We've continued to
write back and forth since I've come home to the States. What a lovely friend. Sometimes we don't need to busy our lives
with constant action, immediate response, gratification, or emotional
reactions. Indeed quick access can
actually make our lives more stressful.
We do have emotions though and need a way to understand and embrace them!
Perhaps writing
letters is a good idea for you? Maybe
you need to just go see that friend in person once every two weeks and pour
your heart out - instead of just texting or FB!
See her! Write her! But do it well, and then your dear hear will rest!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Life in Simple
Women - from my heart to yours…. A few words on Simplicity
don't know about you but I am always in a hurry, even when I'm not in a hurry I
try to do things as fast as possible.
Lately the most common thing I tell myself is…. "Shyla, just use
both hands!"
Life can be so much simpler than we make it, and our
minds and hearts a little ( a lot) more at ease in result. Let's take a look at ways that we can enjoy
our lives a little more:
Have a proper wake up. Get
up in enough time to wake up and ease into the day before you run into the
shower, throw on a pair of matching clothes, and rush off to a busy day. At least give yourself time to sit down with
a cup of coffee and read a verse, but if you can: wake up, have breakfast with
that cup of coffee, have devotions, and take time to pick our your outfit with
matching shoes and jewelry ;). I learned this from a mentor of mine (Lauren :). You'll be amazed at how much better
you'll be able to handle your entire
yourself time. We often underestimate
the time it takes to do something.
Whether it's baking bread or putting on our makeup. Start overestimating and giving yourself
leeway in between. You'll find yourself
showing up on time to things and feeling less stressed and irritable. If you hate wasted time, always keep a book
with you to read. Give yourself two days to bake Christmas Cookies instead of
one; go Christmas shopping one day and
grocery shopping on a different day; paint your nails when you have a good 2
hours to sit there and relax. Otherwise
you'll end up angry. Everyday.
Don't multitask all the time. This is one of my faults, it's
like a game I play with myself, how many things can I juggle at one time? Put the thumbprint in the cookies once
they're halfway baked, and respond to the laundry as soon each load is done,
and don't make too many dishes, and call the electric company before noon, and
jog around the house 5 times remembering what I need to do. My brain gets
all twisted and I end up needing a nap by 2pm.
Yes, us women are pretty good at multi-tasking but, sometimes we need to
protect our sanity. Just do one thing at a time, and don't let your mind go
anywhere else. Enjoy putting thumbprints
in those cookies without racing on a time clock, then go to the next thing. Make a list for yourself in the morning and
once you've completed something check it off and go to the next. Don't keep lists in your head.
Don't do
it. When you simply find that you won't
have enough time to do everything without stressing yourself out, don't do
it. Don't make a batch of cookies for
your neighbor; it was a nice gesture but maybe you can do it next week. Don't do the laundry today, wash the pair of
jeans that Johnny needs and leave the rest for tomorrow. Don't make a full coarse meal every night, by
pop-it-in -the-oven answers to meals for
those times you need it - or order pizza!
Just don't do it. Sit down for 5
minutes instead.
Know your
priorities. This will help you decide what not to do. What are the must do's for you everyday? Is
it that your kitchen is clean every morning?
Make sure you finish your dishes the day before while you still have
energy, don't leave them as the last thing you do before bed, you'll be more
likely to leave them for the morning and then your next day you will feel
stressed at the start. Priorities let
you know what comes first in your life, and second, and third, etc. Make a list: (1. God, 2. Famliy, 3. Job, 4.
Church….). When one task fights for the
other you'll know which one to choose.
There will be sometimes that one just trumps the other though - maybe
you have put off visiting your neighbor so long that you decide that today you
won't clean the house, you'll go visit her.
*There are
great ways to increase productivity and create systems in your life so that
everything gets done, these rules are for when your smooth running system gets
a bump in the belt. If you find yourself having to drop too many things you may
need to check out the *re-prioritizing or *self-discipline charts. ;)
How Do You Like Your Life?
Life in Leopard Speed
Life in Flashing Red
Life in Glitter and Glue Everywhere
I like my Life in SIMPLE
*P.s. Check out my favorite Magazine: REAL SIMPLE
(They do
things like create a meal menu for you for a whole month with perforated tear
out grocery lists for each week in accordance - yeah that's awesome! And you can look at the mag without being
stressed out by a ton of ads).
Monday, November 5, 2012
Mr. Rogers and Me
For my dearest Blog Friends - Thought you should see this video.
which did not inspire my blog :)....
which did not inspire my blog :)....
I feel at home when...
I'm in Holmes County, Ohio
I'm with Nathan, Janet, or Travis
when I'm with any one member of my family I don't miss anything
Nothing is missing- I don't get tired of them
I'm with a Dear Friend and we share our hearts with Each Other
In my Kitchen
I'm sharing My life Story - God's Beautiful Work in my Life - And the person Values It
When I'm Offering My Ear to A Woman
counseling a woman, bringing healing, showing her Christ's love; I feel a world at home there
I Pray in the Spirit
I'm Making a cup of Tea or coffee for someone
I'm with a Mennonite
I'm walking Arm in Arm with with someone
I'm in any beautiful, Quiet Place with a Journal and my own Thoughts
When I'm Laughing
without restraint
I walk down the Indian Street
I smell a Barn
I take a Long Run
I speak about Knowing God
Standing in from a Group of People sharing a Word/ Teaching from the Lord
I'm with Jesus
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Dear Readers,
Tomorrow I will say goodbye to Kolkata. I am going home for the next two months to spend the holidays at home with my family, with potential to return to Kolkata once again.
I had such an enriching time serving with Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa's Order), and will greatly miss the 12 little brown faces and precious souls of the children in my class at the orphanage.
The lovely people at BMS, where I stay. There's a community of young people who have travelled from Kolkata from all over the world to also serve with MOC. I am thankful for this community.
And the church that I very much felt welcomed into. I joined the worship team and became good friends with the young people on the team, including 3 foreign girls volunteering at the church and locally.
This woman; my Indian friend, was like a sister to me. An answered prayer.
Kolkata - an overwhelmingly chaotic, filthy, and rustic city has grown on me and overpowered me with it's beauty, kindness, and warmth. Kolkata; a land of contradictions -yet the beauty shines through; The City of Joy.
I will spend 4 days in Varanasi with Carl and Joann Benderoth (a family from my hometown serving in India for the past years). Then I will tour in Dehli, the capital, for a few day's before I go home.
Ohio, See you on the 13th!
Tomorrow I will say goodbye to Kolkata. I am going home for the next two months to spend the holidays at home with my family, with potential to return to Kolkata once again.
I had such an enriching time serving with Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa's Order), and will greatly miss the 12 little brown faces and precious souls of the children in my class at the orphanage.
Sweet Klara from Italy was like a sister to me at BMS |
And the church that I very much felt welcomed into. I joined the worship team and became good friends with the young people on the team, including 3 foreign girls volunteering at the church and locally.
This woman; my Indian friend, was like a sister to me. An answered prayer.
Kolkata - an overwhelmingly chaotic, filthy, and rustic city has grown on me and overpowered me with it's beauty, kindness, and warmth. Kolkata; a land of contradictions -yet the beauty shines through; The City of Joy.
I will spend 4 days in Varanasi with Carl and Joann Benderoth (a family from my hometown serving in India for the past years). Then I will tour in Dehli, the capital, for a few day's before I go home.
Ohio, See you on the 13th!
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