Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Life in Simple


Dear Women - from my heart to yours…. A few words on Simplicity

I don't know about you but I am always in a hurry, even when I'm not in a hurry I try to do things as fast as possible.  Lately the most common thing I tell myself is…. "Shyla, just use both hands!"

Life can be so much simpler than we make it, and our minds and hearts a little ( a lot) more at ease in result.  Let's take a look at ways that we can enjoy our lives a little more:

Have a proper wake up.  Get up in enough time to wake up and ease into the day before you run into the shower, throw on a pair of matching clothes, and rush off to a busy day.  At least give yourself time to sit down with a cup of coffee and read a verse, but if you can: wake up, have breakfast with that cup of coffee, have devotions, and take time to pick our your outfit with matching shoes and jewelry ;). I learned this from a mentor of mine (Lauren :).  You'll be amazed at how much better you'll  be able to handle your entire day.  

Give yourself time.  We often underestimate the time it takes to do something.  Whether it's baking bread or putting on our makeup.  Start overestimating and giving yourself leeway in between.  You'll find yourself showing up on time to things and feeling less stressed and irritable.  If you hate wasted time, always keep a book with you to read. Give yourself two days to bake Christmas Cookies instead of one;  go Christmas shopping one day and grocery shopping on a different day; paint your nails when you have a good 2 hours to sit there and relax.  Otherwise you'll end up angry.  Everyday.

Don't multitask all the time. This is one of my faults, it's like a game I play with myself, how many things can I juggle at one time?  Put the thumbprint in the cookies once they're halfway baked, and respond to the laundry as soon each load is done, and don't make too many dishes, and call the electric company before noon, and jog around the house 5 times remembering what I need to do. My brain gets all twisted and I end up needing a nap by 2pm.  Yes, us women are pretty good at multi-tasking but, sometimes we need to protect our sanity. Just do one thing at a time, and don't let your mind go anywhere else.  Enjoy putting thumbprints in those cookies without racing on a time clock, then go to the next thing.  Make a list for yourself in the morning and once you've completed something check it off and go to the next.  Don't keep lists in your head. 

Don't do it.  When you simply find that you won't have enough time to do everything without stressing yourself out, don't do it.  Don't make a batch of cookies for your neighbor; it was a nice gesture but maybe you can do it next week.  Don't do the laundry today, wash the pair of jeans that Johnny needs and leave the rest for tomorrow.  Don't make a full coarse meal every night, by pop-it-in -the-oven answers  to meals for those times you need it - or order pizza!  Just don't do it.  Sit down for 5 minutes instead.

Know your priorities.  This will help you decide what not to do.  What are the must do's for you everyday? Is it that your kitchen is clean every morning?  Make sure you finish your dishes the day before while you still have energy, don't leave them as the last thing you do before bed, you'll be more likely to leave them for the morning and then your next day you will feel stressed at the start.  Priorities let you know what comes first in your life, and second, and third, etc.  Make a list: (1. God, 2. Famliy, 3. Job, 4. Church….).  When one task fights for the other you'll know which one to choose.  There will be sometimes that one just trumps the other though - maybe you have put off visiting your neighbor so long that you decide that today you won't clean the house, you'll go visit her.

*There are great ways to increase productivity and create systems in your life so that everything gets done, these rules are for when your smooth running system gets a bump in the belt. If you find yourself having to drop too many things you may need to check out the *re-prioritizing or *self-discipline charts. ;)

How Do You Like Your Life?
Life in Leopard Speed
Life in Flashing Red
Life in Glitter and Glue Everywhere
I like my Life in SIMPLE


*P.s. Check out my favorite Magazine: REAL SIMPLE  realsimple.com
(They do things like create a meal menu for you for a whole month with perforated tear out grocery lists for each week in accordance - yeah that's awesome!  And you can look at the mag without being stressed out by a ton of ads).