Monday, November 28, 2011


My two darling friends came for an awaited visit to see me in Ohio. 

Grace Bowman & Marivick Perks

Grace from Chicago and Marivick from Canada - two women that became friends of mine while we were in Texas together at Teen Mania.  We truly are close and commit to seeing each other once a year to stay that way. :)  This was the first time they saw my home.  It was wonderful showing them around, helping them understand Amish Country (truly apart of who I am), and spending time with my family.  We talked about everything and anything all of the time - late nights, sweet moments; and of course, we laughed continuously!!

Grace is just about ready to get her bachelor's in Dietetics from Olivet Nazarene .  If I could say anything about this woman it would be that She is loyal.  She taught me this quality.  She is such a committed friend and one of the best to so many others I know.  She loves and cares for her friends and what they're going through - she actively prays and helps in practical ways.  She stays updated! She is practical - she helps me think through things.  She is kind and helpful!  She is driven and smart - she completes what she starts and is goal oriented!  She will be a huge blessing to her husband!  And last of all she is 'wirey' - like a red head - she screams sometimes and clenches tight to me when she is alarmed or embarrassed.  I love that about her! :)

 Marivick and her husband are associate pastors of their church in Canada - about ready to start college together next fall.  Marivick is a brilliant business woman and administrator.  She is entrusted with much wherever she goes.  Executive is written all over her.  She is classy and stunning.  She is a good communicator.  She wants to start her own business in event planning one day - I have no doubt she will, and it will be successful.  She is the perfect armor bearer for her extraordinarily visionary husband.  My favorite thing about Marivick is that there is a belly full of laughter in every word and one of the most sensitive and emotional spirits inside of her.  She LOVES.  Her extravagant and extraverted personality doesn't let people go without knowing- "You are AMAZING!"

These woman understand my heart, I feel truly valued and empowered by them, and they inspire me in my dreams.  They are dedicated, passionate woman of God.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Advice From Dad

I've been realizing lately how many things I do because of advice from my Dad. 

My dad is a special man.  If you are to know something really important to me - it is that my Dad is the best man in my life.  He is humble, gentle, and extremely wise.  I RESPECT this man.  He has such a hard time receiving this affirmation though.  The humility is real.

He is sure to watch out for me.  Especially, in things that he knows I am unaware or careless.  I guess it is a telling that he knows me really well.  It's amazing how he just pops out with questions that apply to my life.

Things that he has said from as far back as I can remember has stuck with me even to today. 

Like:  "Shyla - always take a coat and enough warm clothes with you - what if you get into an accident and have to walk to the neighbors in the ice and snow." 

-Every time I leave the house this goes through my mind - and just this week I grabbed a coat last minute.  (Which came in handy after work when I decided to go to the football game in freezing wind!). :)

There's something about the way that he gives me this advice that drives me to heed to it.  It is not out of duty or obedience that I do what he says, but genuinely out of love and respect for my dad.   When he says something - he'll say something like this:  "Shyla I really wish you wouldn't do that."  I don't need a command from him - a suggestion is gold - because my respect for him is so high - I want to honor him.  I know that he is telling me out of pure care for me - because my daddy loves me.

A couple weeks ago my dad asked me, "Shyla, do you text while you drive?"
 - I was honest - I said, "Yes." :)

Of course I know that it is not safe to text while I'm driving - I have common sense and that precaution runs through my mind a lot of times - however since my Dad asked me not to, I have made a point not to.

Dad always explains the reasons why something isn't safe or not good.  This understanding helps me as well.

Things that my Dad has told me:
  •  Don't worry hunny about things that girls say about you, you don't need their approval. Just roll it off your shoulder
  • Do it right the first time and you won't have to do it twice
  • Never do Drugs
  • Get to know your neighbors, make friends of them and help them when needed
  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated
  • You are beautiful Shyla - Men don't like girls that are too skinny
  • Don't talk to that boy every night - you'll get emotionally attached
  • Don't be a control freak - that means you are insecure leader.  Let others take authority.  You don't have to do everything to have power
  • Someone who doesn’t want help can't be helped
  • Shyla- It's going to be ok.  Think of the big picture - God is in control.

I think something that we can take away from this realization is that, just like always - The Daddy and Child relationship is meant to teach us about our Heavenly Father relationship. 

The more we understand the Father's love for us - we will in accordance desire to follow His commands.   We gain trust that He is Good, knows what is best, and it is natural out of love for someone to serve and obey them.  Of course there are times that we need to obey even when we don't understand, however living long-term like this will lead to frustration and burnout.  

This is something that I have longed to live my life after - it was apart of my core vision at the Honor Academy.  Devotion - To Know God.  And in our endless pursuit to know God, everything else is a response. 

I hope you're encouraged by this - we have a heavenly Father who know our every need, even more than our earthly ones and is always watching out for us. 

Do you know Him?  Do you trust Him?  He is trustworthy - I promise!

This was my core vision:
Core Verse: ““Let us know the Lord, let us press on to know the Lord. For his going out is as sure as the dawn, he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rain that water the earth.”
Hosea 6:3

Devotion is a response to God’s love. Once one opens up her heart to receive the revelation of who God is and the outpouring of his profound love and understands that she was created to be his beloved, she can do nothing but respond by giving all of herself to Him. She daily surrenders her will, laying her life down at the cross and taking up his to receive the fullness of the life God intended for her to live. She is first his bride and second, his disciple. It is not by her own ability that she can be devoted for she is inherently unfaithful, but it is only by his grace that she can do his will. Her confidence in who she is as his Beloved and it is his unchanging love that allows her to walk out in her calling. She is radically devoted to knowing God, to be acquainted with his ways, zealous to search out the vastness of him, be perfectly in tune with the sound of his voice, sensitive to the Holy Spirit and uncompromisingly committed to living accordance to his will and commands. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Three Children and A Temporary Home

This week I'm staying at my 2nd cousins house while their parents are on a trip.  Paul & Mary Troyer.  Mary asked me to stay at the house to see the children off to school in the mornings and spend the night with them.  I just got back from TX Sunday night and came here after work on Monday. It has been a divine situation - time to think and process.  Which I didn't know I would need - but God did!

It has been a blast:  

They are soo sweet!  I love playing the mom role. This morning I woke up at 6 with Amanda (who is in High School - Oh how I remember the days and the feelings :).  Drove her out to the end of the driveway to wait for the bus, and did the same with the 2 youngest at 7:30.  

Tonight we went to Subway and bowling!
Lori 10, Amanda 14, Ryan 8

This boy is such a sweet funny spirit!  He reminds me of Travis.  Refreshes my heart :)
Today I got a revelation that was so sweet - I have to share with you.  I know that God has provided my job at Tis the Season so divinely and I have even realized that it is good that I don't have a super meaningful job right now so that I can rest and focus on other things.  However lately I have been soo bored at work - Since I am now personalizing, when I am not busy doing that I do customer service - which means when there is no one who needs help or there is no stocking or cleaning needed, I just stand and stand.  And standing can be so.....well it drives me bonkers! :)  I have been so bored that I'm irritated.  There's my task oriented self!  After about an hour of going crazy, I got this revelation.  This extra time that I have at work is not an inconvenience - it is from the Lord!  I can use this time to meditate on the Word and soak my soul.  I realized what a gift that is.  The past few years I have not had time to just meditate - now it is provided for me. 

I am overwhelmed at how God has been taking care of me this fall.  It softens and livens my heart!  Thank-you Jesus for taking such good care of me.  You are such a Good Father!  Thank-you for a season to soak in the Word. 

The more I meditate on God and find thankfulness for him- I discover more and more blessings in my life.  I also feel less stressed and less condemnation - but freedom and joy! 

I would love to hear what God is doing in your life this fall too!  Please Share!